03 February 20
Every branding project has its own development. It depends on the nature of a brand, the market, clients ideals, or the industries. For branding consultants, one of the examples is branding project for BUMN (state-owned enterprise), such as PT TASPEN (Persero). TASPEN understood the importance of brand identity, and many would find their obsolete identity irrelevant. As a company, it would do well nonetheless, but as a brand, it would not.
This was where TASPEN came to a decision to rebrand. The main challenges when it comes to rebranding a state-owned enterprise like TASPEN were the number of people who have a say in the matter and the need to have its brand refreshed while maintaining the familiar state-owned enterprise feels. This was why a branding agency would take every factor and influence into account. There were multiple steps to take prior to rebranding. First, brand audit. This was to see how TASPEN was and had been, and where to go from the point determined. This was also where elements of the brand closely scrutinized. Second, research. This was an essential step in which the brand was examined not only as it was, but also how it was compared to the competitions and similar brands in the same industry. Once facts gathered, the third step taken. It was interviews. Interviews with stakeholders were conducted to see the faces and stories behind the brand. A brand should not only stand for products, services, and business. It should also stand for people.
This is essential, especially for state-owned enterprise brands. There is supposed to be no feeling of detachment. Today brands for state-owned enterprise still need to have the authority feel but they also have to adjust for them to be more fresh and favorable.